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Lilia Cavaglieri

Lilia Cavaglieri

National University of Río Cuarto


Conduct studies and research in the area of Biological Sciences. To prepare, improve and control microorganisms and develop microbial processes for the production of industrial products. Perform selection, genetic improvement and control of strains of microorganisms for use in biotechnology and agricultural production. Prepare antigens, serums and vaccines of microbial origin, used in diagnosis, prevention and treatment in human and animal health. Conducting microbiological analysis, for diagnostic purposes, materials of human, animal and plant. Conduct studies and analysis microbiological water, soil and air. Conducting microbiological control of medicines, food and raw materials used in making them. Providing advice, expert opinion and judgment requiring knowledge of microbiology.

Research Interest

Mycology - Mycotoxicology - Biological feed additives to prevent mycotoxicoses