Brian McNeil
University of Strathclyde
United Kingdom
Brian McNeil B.Sc. (1st Class Hons in Applied Microbiology, Strathclyde 1980), Ph.D. funded by Carnegie Trust in Fermentation Technology 1984. Lecturer in Department of Bioscience 1989-1997, Senior Lecturer 1997-2003, Reader 2003, Professor of Microbiology 2005-date, Assistant Head of Institute 2009-2012.
Research Interest
My main research interests lie in trying to understand the relationship between the environment of microbial animal cells in industrial bioprocesses (the fermenter or bioreactor) and the behaviour of the cells. This has led to two research themes in broad terms. The first of these is real time monitoring of fermentation and cell cultures systems, especially using spectroscopic techniques, such as Near Infrared spectroscopy. This area has been supported substantially by BBSRC, EPSRC, TSB and major biotechnology and biopharma companies (including Eli Lilly, GSK, DSM, Roche) and equipment suppliers such as Foss NIRSystems and Applikon. The second theme relates to how cells respond to stress within fermenters, especially oxidative stress. A particular interest within this theme is the functioning and role of the alternative respiratory pathway in fungi. I was a BBSRC Expert Pool Member in Industrial Biotechnology 2008-2010, and am currently a member of the Scottish Enterprise Industrial Biotechnology Growth Team.